I'm a schizophrenic Deflationist who believes in the Deflationary Ideas of a David Rosenberg and Gary Shilling and holds a sizable physical Gold and Silver position. (..will add on Monay...)
Why? How ?....because I believe both scenaries could be possible in a world where we have the separation btw. the 'have and have not's'. I'm imaging a world where deflationtionary forces from housing in the US or from Energy & Food Inflation in China, US, Europe will hit the have 'have not's', where they will also struggle with wage arbitrage into the Emerging Markets and Unemployment in the western world. This is a world where Ben Bernanke tries to prop up the Banks, HedgeFunds and the global Stock Markets, but he seems to have a date with destiny. Ben works hard to keep up the Illusion that the Global leaders demand from him and his buddy Trichet. The degree of exuberance hints at a brutal date!
In a market with lacking liquidity (look at the 5 big figure move in the EURO last week!!), 'the haves' have hedged or are in cash or
waiting for corrections in Gold to follow the Chinese, the Indians and half of Switzerland and the Middle East.
This is why I'm a schizophrenic Deflationists.