The current fall in Liquidity is only comparable to 2008.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Algo Madness
If you ever want to understand where the crazy volatility of the last years' is coming from or where the liquidity has gone over the last decade or why we had a Flash Crash, then you need to look at the chart below. The Machines have taken over the trading.....
Nanex: Incremental build-up over the last few years of superfluous quote traffic over the course of the day. That is to say, quotes which are entered into markets systems but are never actually transacted, hence they are Spam.

GOLD-TLT Correlation broke as promised

The Correlation broke but this time Gold left the Safehaven story before the now tremendeously
overbought TLT...
...but when you look at last times when we had these kind of correlation extremes we observe that usually one Safehaven leads down (=> correlations go down) and that when both have corrected the correlation turns up again and both Safehavens start to rise again.
So this would jive well with our TLT view where we could expect the US Long Bond to follow Gold into a severe correction, followed by a joint upturn again. How long will they part ways and when will they reunite, only Mr. Market knows.
The extreme oversold Gold market and the extreme overbought TLT could indicate that this could happen sooner than later. On the hand the correlation has just turned down and could go longer.....
watch the space !!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Contrarion Trade of the Year: SHORT the LONG BOND
Precious Metals and Institutional Money update
Silver took a material beating and could bounce from here. How far ...we don't know, but probably into mid OCTOBER.

The GOLD OPTIONFLOWS tell a similar story. We had the beating, the pressure what's next...?

The INSTITUTIONAL MONEY Optionflows look weird as if we have too many players hoping for a supercharged upside bounce .......?!
Sentiment: BAIR RAID is not over yet
Friday, September 23, 2011
Liquidity still deteriorating
Gold Correction could halt here
Silver got whacked again...and today even more...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Did u see the GARTLEY Pattern in the TLT ?
Relative Strength
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Precious Metals are torn btw. a rock and a hard place
The Option picture is muddled right after the OPEX (Option Expiration)

The Momentum side looks like the complete opposite where when bearish indicators cannot trigger a bearish move we have to assume a bullish outcome.
...and the same must be said about the timing model where we experienced a perfect cycle inversion (meaning the turning dates were right but an expected low turned into a high and vice versa). If this continues then we should see a rapid move into the potential volatility month of October.
We could also see an end of the inversion with the Prec. Metals diving into mid October......
Institutional Money Portfolio seems neutral with downside risk into late October
Mr. Market follows our ROADMAP /Episode 3

We posted on June 16 the follow up to our ROADMAP:
- We have entered the airpocket with a material breakdown - DONE !
- expect a test of the 200d SMA & the March 2011 LOW - DONE !
- ...if the 200d SMA does NOT hold then expect a tumble though the airpocket and a subsequent test of the May 2010 in late July (August) seems likely - DONE !
- ...if the MAY 2010 HIGH does NOT hold then plan for the FIBs (expect some sideways action around those levels given the Volume cluster in this price area) - DONE !
- ...if we break through the summer LOW of 2011 expect more than a medium term correction - DONE !
- (SEP 17, 2011) that 1-5 have materialized we have to add chapters to our story. After testing the 38% Fib level Mr. Market consolidated n a textbook Flag Pattern up into the Airpocket again right around the Option Expiration and close to the Month & Quarter End (window dressing). The correction took place with decreasing volumes. The next target should be the 2010 LOW which coincides with the 50% Fib level. This could happen all the way through October.
- ...if 6 occurs anything can happen from there. A waterfall down or a monsterrally up.....bear in mind that every politician and centralbanker around the world will pull all stops to intervene at that stage.....
Friday, September 16, 2011
More Liquidity drains out of the Market
- Liquidity is further deteriorating
- we have taken out last year's LOW in the Index
- previous moves went further (210,160)
- when previous moves had reached sililar levels around -150 and were at a strage where the market had just experienced a short-covering rally the market tended to go for one more re-test of the price low.
Sentiment update: Short-Covering relieved the excess pressure....
DOLLAR aims at 80
Sunday, September 11, 2011
SAFEHAVEN GOLD-Lond BOND angle: Short term correction in Gold
Dollar Strength actually is good for GOLD

We looked at the Dollar-Gold 1yr Correlation since the 70ties and found that with one exception a rising Dollar and a rising Correlation coming from negative correlation levels of below -80% usually seem to act as jetfuel for gold.
To better understand the pattern imagine the following sequence of events...
- Gold rises ,
- Dollar tumbles ,
- "end of the Dollar" seems approaching
- inflation expectations rise
- asset prices begin to fall
- dollar rises from deleveraging and reserve currency status and certainly from EURO weakness ( <=> ".....dollar is the least bad currency out of a basket of bad choices")
- Safehaven SWISSFRANC disappears
- QE3, QE4 ... and European equivalents and all sorts of "fiscal and monetary fixes and programs" are expected
- inflation expectations rise again (in an actually deflationary environment)
- Gold is extremely overbought but doesn't really put in a deeper correction and simply corrects sideways (over time)
- BUYING PANIC in GOLD arrives !!
There is a chance that we are in stage 9 and/or 10. If Gold just buys time over the next weeks and the stock market falls another x% and the political class opts for "fixes" then better start moving into Gold, Cash or the Dollar (or all of them).
Gold Correlation Rhymes
There were a couple of Safehaven episodes with falling stock markets and rising gold prices.
They usually got really exciting when the stock markets began to bottom (think QE3+).

Look at this innocent Rhyme which resembles today quite a bit. Notice the extrem negative correlation and how it led to a correction of the gold price. The stock market fell some 20%. Eventually stocks started to rise again and took gold with it for the ride ....
.and gold rose and rose....and the rest is history.
If the stock market falls too far, the ensuing money printing could trigger a replay of the late 70ties.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The vagaries of September
Safehaven Outlook for September
The 2 key safehavens are Gold and the Long Treasury Bond (TLT).
TLT's optionflows paint a mixed picture within a severely overbought market for the TLT.

The Exhaustion chart shows a neg. Div in a highly oversold market which normally should halt, pause or correct the move to some extent.
On the Gold side, I'd like to bring your attention to the GDX (Goldminers) that have broken out this week with the risk of painting a fake break out move given the extreme Optionflows!
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