The Spyder paints a muddy picture, which seem to suggest that a bounce could arrive soon on the heels of another quick exhaustion event in early October.

The SPYDER TimeCycles show the same ambivalence with respect to the first week of October. It really is a 50:50 bet. Interestingly the Spyder just expects a bounce into the middle of October.....

....whereby the QQQ's go into the opposite direction.

....whereby the QQQ's go into the opposite direction.
The TLT still are in a topping process and is moving from one extreme to another.
Gold & Silver show the opposite in a sense that they seem to work on a bottom. (Could we see another downdraft in early Oct....sure).

Bottom line:
- Equities: high degree of uncertainty -> Vola !
- Long Bond: topping
- Prec. Metals: bottoming
- FX: no clear picture from a TimeCycles & OptionFlow perspective
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