When we look at the SPYDER Optionspicture we see not much FLOW into speculative Positions in a pretty much over-bought market. The Option chain structure indicates (RGW, bottom right) a risk of Volatiliy.

The QQQ's mirror that statement.

But when you look at the key Volume/ Trading vehicles of the BIG BOYS you see they liked to play AAPL (as always) and GOOG. No real touching of materials or banks.
You see who pushed the monster rally of the last 2 weeks, not real investment but hot AAPL and GOOG lottery tickets.
Expect the PRO's to take some money off the table.....i.a.W. expect Vola!
The also get confirmed by some of our MOMO and TimeCycles work that you will find below.
....expect all risk assets to be pulled into the cooling off period which will also include the precious metals. Mid November could become a good timing target.
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