Thursday, November 22, 2012

Institutional Money TREND has turned BULLISH

Applying the same Institutional Portfolio approach to our TREND Indicators results in the following NEW Chart.

We update the VixOSC, Portfolio TREND and the OptionFlowExtremes Charts on a regular basis, which you find under our SUSI GRAPHS on the right side ===>>>> 


  1. With the lightest volume of the year that is already way below last 10-20 years, do you believe that a turn up could be taken up from accumulation/institutional stand point when even daytraders are not trading anymore? I know your charts state another theory, but ZERO volume melt-up isnt healthy. Thus, do you believe that volume should be incorporated in the institutional and other charts?


  2. I have stopped interpreting things. Look at Friday's anemic rally, driven by the machines and their algos. All we try here is to observe how the algos are positioning themselves. I personally believe that this rally is NOT HEALTHY but who cares if the algos push the market towards the path of max. pain for the 'others'.
    This is a very dangerous market!! ...but in the long run the old weighting machine still works to paraphrase BUFFET.
