Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Liquidity Mirage or what you should know about High Frequency Trading

  • This seems like an exotic topic for the trading aficinados only.
  • This is also not a trivial topic.
  • This is another example of how my 2nd Derivative theme, where the smartest and sharpest minds found ways to exploit "commonly accepted and employed procedures" of the "average" institutional investor.
  • This is most likely right now the most profitable and risk minimal trading strategy on Wall Street. (Zero guesses $ 4bn for Goldman alone per year)
  • This works because most participants (read YOU and YOUR investment and/ or mutual funds) don't even know that they are fleeced (you know about the old proverb saying that if you don't know who the sucker is it is most likely YOU...).
  • This is completely legal !!

good Videos explaining the basics.....


related white paper http://www.themistrading.com/article_files/0000/0348/Toxic_Equity_Trading_on_Wall_Street_12-17-08.pdf

or here


more background info on Program Trading on the NYSE

This also means that you have to be very careful with your standard VOLUME analysis, because the volume you see is a derivative of program trading and black pools and might not represent liquidity in the original sense.

hat tip to http://zerohedge.blogspot.com/ for their in depth coverage

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Buying and selling of the kind through big establishments for example banking institutions as well as protection money is really a method of recognizing higher earnings and it is unseen towards the open public.
